A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects


Peer Review Panels

There is an increasing demand from local authorities for an expert or peer group review of designs as a means of establishing design quality.  Traditional architects will be well-aware of the tendency of architects on these panels to a strong prejudice against traditional architecture, often expressed simply as condemnation as 'poor quality' design or with coded words such as 'too formal' or 'pastiche'.  The lack of knowledge of these architects in traditional design exacerbates the problem but also disqualifies them as 'peers' and consequently panels so constituted can be said to have lost their authority as 'peer group reviews'.

TAG has unique access to highly-respected and well-qualified architects and others who have an expertise in architecture and urbanism and more specifically traditional design.

The process is very similar to design reviews that one may have been involved with previously.  A panel with a chair will be assembled from professionals.  Advanced material regarding the proposals will need to be circulated to the panel and a site meeting will need to be convened.  A presentation will follow, along with an informed discussion.

The chair then formally summarises the deliberation of panel members and a letter is sent representing the collective view of the panel.

Agreement should ideally be established with the Local Authority that the TAG panel is a peer group authority so the review that is published carries the necessary weight to assist the applicants in progressing any proposal.

This is a paid for service and the panel will need to be appointed individually and compensated for their time.  Each member would invoice the commissioning entity (applicant usually) separately for their hours spent and expenses accrued.

Contact- Scot Masker scot@maskerarchitects.co.uk